HomeWeight LossDiet TipsDoes Testosterone Make You Lose Weight? All You Should Know 

Does Testosterone Make You Lose Weight? All You Should Know 

From diet and exercise to metabolism and genetics, many elements influence our weight. But there’s another silent player in this game: testosterone. This guide unravels the fascinating link between this hormone and weight, addressing the burning question, “Does testosterone make you lose weight?

The Role of Testosterone in the Body

Testosterone is primarily known for giving men their characteristic features. However, its functions extend beyond that. Both men and women need it to keep their bones strong and muscles in shape.

Testosterone’s primary functions

  • Shaping male attributes like facial hair growth, a deeper voice, and muscle development.
  • Preserving bone strength and muscle definition in both genders.
  • Fueling libido and supporting sperm generation in men.

How it affects muscle mass and fat distribution

Testosterone helps build and keep muscles for both men and women. If its levels drop, it can make people store more fat and gain weight.

Does Testosterone Make You Lose Weight?

Weight and testosterone are interrelated. When overweight men lose weight, their testosterone can go up. But, if men with low testosterone take treatment, they can lose weight and have a smaller waist and lower BMI.

Scientific Evidence and Studies

A study conducted by Bayer and Gulf Medical University over 11 years found that on overweight men who had low testosterone and were about 61 years old. They split these men into two groups:

  • One group got testosterone shots every few months.
  • The other group, called the control group, got no shots.

Here’s what happened:

  • The group with the shots lost about 23 kg. The control group gained around 6 kg.
  • The BMI in the shot group went down by about 7.6, but in the control group, it went up by 2.
  • The shot group’s waist size went down by 13 cm. The control group’s waist got bigger by 7 cm.
  • The shot group also lost some deep fat, which means they might have a lower chance of heart diseases.
  • In the control group, more than 20% got type 2 diabetes, but no one in the shot group did. Some in the control group had heart attacks, but no one in the shot group did.

The research suggests that by helping men lose weight, testosterone might lower the risks of heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Does Testosterone Therapy Help You Lose Weight?

Research indicates that administering testosterone to men with deficiencies can assist in weight loss and muscle building. In a 2016 study with 100 overweight men who ate less to lose weight:

  • The men who got testosterone shots lost about 6.4 pounds more than the men who didn’t get the shots. 
  • Both groups lost some muscle because they were eating less, but the men with the shots got their muscle back faster when they started eating normally again.

H3: Does Testosterone Booster Make You Lose Weight?

Derived mainly from plants, testosterone boosters aid the body in naturally producing more testosterone. They don’t have the actual hormone in them. Some, like ashwagandha, D-aspartic acid, and fenugreek, might help increase testosterone and help men with low levels build muscle. But results aren’t the same for everyone.

A lot of what’s said about these boosters isn’t based on strong science. For example, a common booster called Tribulus terrestris hasn’t been shown to really raise testosterone. Right now, we don’t have strong proof that these boosters help a lot with weight loss, though some might help reduce fat a bit.

H2: How Does Testosterone Make You Lose Weight?

In men with low levels, testosterone aids in weight control by promoting muscle development and reducing fat. It boosts energy and metabolism, which can lead to being more active and burning more calories.

H2: Potential Risks and Side Effects

While testosterone treatment offers benefits, it also has potential drawbacks. Some people might get acne, men might have their breasts grow, and there’s a higher chance of heart problems and prostate cancer. Before starting this treatment, it’s important to talk with a doctor about the good and bad parts.

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone and Potentially Aid Weight Loss

Holistic approaches can elevate testosterone levels, potentially aiding in weight loss.

Dietary Considerations

To keep testosterone healthy, eat these foods:

  • Zinc: Helps make testosterone. Found in oysters, meat, milk, nuts, and beans.
  • Vitamin D: Helps with testosterone. We get it from the sun, but it’s also in fatty fish, some dairy, and egg yolks.
  • Omega-3 Fats: Can raise testosterone. Eat fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds.
  • Veggies like broccoli: These might help boost testosterone by lowering another hormone.
  • Less Alcohol and Sugar: Too much can lower testosterone.
  • Healthy Fats: Foods like avocados, nuts, and olive or coconut oil can help testosterone.

Exercise Regimes

To help boost testosterone with exercise:

  • Lift Weights: Things like squats and bench presses are good.
  • Do Short, Intense Workouts: This is called HIIT.
  • Some Cardio is Good: It’s good for the heart, but don’t overdo it or it might lower testosterone.
  • Stay Regular: It’s better to exercise often than to do super hard workouts once in a while.

Lifestyle Changes

To keep your testosterone levels healthy:

  • Relax: Too much stress can lower testosterone. Things like meditation or walks outside can help.
  • Sleep Well: Aim for 7-9 hours. Testosterone gets refreshed during sleep.
  • Be Careful with Plastics: Some have chemicals like BPA that can affect testosterone. Use BPA-free stuff when you can.
  • Stay at a Good Weight: Being overweight can lower testosterone.
  • Don’t Overdo Exercise: Too much exercise without breaks can drop testosterone.
  • Less or No Smoking: Smoking can lower testosterone and is bad for you overall.

Myths and Misconceptions

Testosterone, a vital hormone, is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Here’s a clear breakdown to dispel some common misunderstandings.

Myth: Only guys have testosterone. Truth: Both men and women have it, just in different amounts. Both need it for health.

Myth: Anyone can safely use testosterone boosters to lose weight. Truth: Some boosters you can buy easily may not be well-tested. They might not be safe or work as advertised.

Myth: More testosterone means more aggression. Truth: While there’s some link, you can’t say all aggression is because of testosterone.

Myth: Taking testosterone always makes muscles bigger, even without exercise. Truth: It can help with muscles, but you still need to exercise and eat right for big gains.

Myth: More testosterone always makes you better in bed. Truth: It might increase desire, but too much can even lower sperm count.

Myth: High testosterone makes you go bald. Truth: Testosterone can play a part, but so do genes and getting older.

Myth: If you’re overweight, you must have low testosterone. Truth: While low testosterone can make you gain weight, being overweight can also lower testosterone. It’s complex.

Myth: Natural ways don’t boost testosterone. Truth: Things like diet and lifestyle can help. But it’s good to ask a doctor for advice.

Myth: Older men don’t need testosterone. Truth: Testosterone goes down with age, but some older men might benefit from extra, with doctor guidance.

Myth: Taking testosterone has no risks. Truth: Like any treatment, it can have side effects. A doctor should monitor those on it.

Can women also benefit from testosterone for weight loss?

Women can have an association between bioavailable testosterone and visceral fat. However, testosterone supplementation in women can lead to side effects like voice deepening and excessive body hair.

How does age influence the relationship between testosterone and weight?

Testosterone decreases with age, leading to increased fat in men and associated with visceral fat in women. Supplementation for weight loss in women isn’t advised due to potential side effects.

What to do with low Testosterone?

Addressing low testosterone depends on its cause. Options include lifestyle changes or testosterone replacement therapy.

Can low testosterone cause weight gain?

In men, low testosterone can lead to more body fat. In women, it’s associated with visceral fat. However, other factors like diet can also influence weight gain.

How much weight can you lose by taking testosterone?

Testosterone therapy in obese, testosterone-deficient men can enhance weight loss. One study showed a weight loss of 6.4 pounds in 56 weeks. Women should avoid it due to side effects.

Does testosterone make you bald?

Testosterone can influence hair loss due to its conversion to DHT, which shrinks hair follicles. However, the exact relationship is complex.

Does testosterone make you grow taller?

Testosterone affects bone growth but doesn’t directly increase height. Height is mostly influenced by genetics and other factors.

Does high testosterone cause belly fat?

No, high testosterone doesn’t cause belly fat. Excessive belly fat can, however, reduce testosterone levels.

Does testosterone give you abs?

Testosterone helps muscle growth, but abs primarily result from diet and exercise.

Which testosterone is best for fat loss?

Testosterone replacement therapy aids weight loss in testosterone-deficient men. The specific type should be determined by a healthcare professional. It’s not recommended for women due to side effects.

The question “does testosterone make you lose weight” is multifaceted. Testosterone helps control body functions, including weight. Some people with low testosterone might lose weight when they take it. But, not all products that claim to boost testosterone work well. Diet and exercise are key. What’s your experience with testosterone and weight loss? Check out more articles from Bodyfitnt for more info. We care about your health journey! 




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